
Archive for November, 2012

  Its that time of year again- Fall is here! As fall weather moves into the Triad, things in the    landscape will start to slow down. It is time to stop putting off some of that fall landscape maintenance while you were playing this summer! Any work you are able to do now will be less you have to do this spring, but also will allow your landscape to be rejuvenated during its dormant months this winter. Here are a few tasks you should be thinking about.


1.Ornamental grass maintenance

Ornamental grasses are extremely popular in the Triad. This is a great time of year to prune them back for a neater appearance now and next spring. If they are still flowering, or getting ready to, make sure you wait until they are done. The easiest way to prune them is to use electric hedge pruners or large clippers. Cut the grass back to about eight inches high. You may also wish to divide up your grasses at this time of year. After you cut the grass back, use a sharp shovel to divide up the grass. This is a great way to create more plants for the yard or share plants with friends or neighbors.

2. Divide perennnials

In addition to dividing your ornamental grasses; there are other plants that you may wish to divide. Perennials such as liriope, Iris, Daisy, Black Eyed Susan, and herbs such as rosemary and tarragon are easy to divide. You may want to cut them back to the ground and then divide the clump into smaller sections using a sharp shovel. This would be a great time to arrange a plant swap to allow your friends and neighbors the joy of receiving new plants for their yards and also for you!

3. Move plants that have outgrown their space

If you have let things get a little out of control over the summer months, now is a great time to move plants that have outgrown their allotted space or have self-seeded themselves and created a crowded landscape. Find a new spot for the plant that has more room than its current location. You want to find a spot that will allow your plant to spread without having to continually prune it during the growing season. This may be a great time to create new mulched beds or expand existing mulched beds in your yard. By dividing and moving plants you may be able to create new planting areas for free by using plants you already have, or consider doing a plant exchange with your friends or neighbors using the plants you have divided or removed.

4. Re-mulch

As you clean up the plants in your mulched beds, you may find that you need to re-mulch. Remember that you need to have three to four inches of mulch in your beds. This will help keep down weeds, reduce erosion, and keep the soil moist. The addition of mulch will also help create a clean and neat look in the mulched beds that you have worked so hard to clean up.

5. Plant trees and shrubs

After you have cleaned up, divided, and pruned your way through the landscape, you may find that you want to add more trees and shrubs to your yard. Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs in the Triad. Choose plants that are the appropriate size for your yard and conditions- We can certainly help you with that! Please give Color Landscapes a call!

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